We Did It!

We Did It!

We f'ing did it! Let's raise a glass and (virtually) cheers!

Although these limited release glasses are intended to celebrate the inauguration from the comfort of your couch they also represent all that we did together - electing a new President/VP, Flipping the Senate, making it to 2021, making it through that last boring zoom meeting - we did it - together.  

Limited release.

Must order by Thursday, January 14th @ 10AM ET to ensure arrival by 1-20-21.

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Friends Vote Together and Go High Signs is giggling with excitement over our partnership. This is the byproduct of a long labor of love and joy of two women (and friends) who have committed their lives and their work to building and creating a more just and equitable place to live (on this little ‘ole place we call home - planet earth!). We are thrilled to be sharing our labor of love with you!

xo, Cate & Libby

About Go High Signs

Go High Signs is the brain child of New Jersey artist Libby Clarke. Deeply affected by the Charlottesville massacre in 2017, Libby set out to sketch a daily message of hope and inspiration (and brave and honest truths) in her journals. Three years later she has designed over 1200 sketches in a total of 12 journals. To learn more about Go High Signs & Libby Clarke, visit www.gohighsigns.com and on Instagram.

Cate Mayer