2021 Elections

2,300+ Elections in 39 States Before 2021 Ends

39 states have elections between now and the end of 2021 - thousands (literally) of races need our attention. School boards, sheriff’s, city council, mayors, police commissioners, judges, state legislators. 9 states are voting on ballot measures.

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Local Elections Matter

Regardless of what state you live in, our local elected officials are the ones who decide local laws, policies, and budgets that affect our neighborhoods and communities. Critically important and impactful decisions directly affecting our day-to-day lives. - what kids are taught in schools, water, police, transportation, sanitation, reproductive rights - even when and how we vote - are made by local elected officials.

Not sure if you are voting this fall or what is on your ballot? Want to learn how you can plugin and help get out the vote.
Our 2021 Elections Toolkit is full of resources and information to get you started and ready to vote.